Nerdy gastronome

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I tell myself that this little endeavour (if one could even call it that, given the ebb and flow of my interest in writing) is for the sake of those I live with. You see, a sort of hunted look can be found in the eyes of my family if they find themselves cornered after my having recently learnt something new. It may well have something to do with my revising the entire Human Biology syllabus on them during high school exams (something I appreciated immensely, I assure you). I am forced to admit that my enthusiasm is even more fearsome when food and science are combined. So it is my hope that Nerdy Gastronome will spare those around me. If you have stumbled upon this, well at least you can click that little red x in top corner of your web browser: the mute button I suspect some wish I had when they inadvertently get me started on phytochemicals.

There. You are warned.

Now I shall say that I am in no way an expert on much at all really. I am simply an Aussie healthcare and science student based in Perth who is rather fond of messing about in the kitchen. I love feeding people, and I’m a compulsive researcher. I’m especially interested in how we can strip away the pretence and obsession that enshrouds cooking. Food shouldn’t be your master. But it does present an opportunity to provide nourishment and hospitality to all.

Feel free to drop a line at: nerdygastronome[at]

Or find more self-indulgent photos and whatnot:
Urban Spoon

Kitchen table

2 thoughts on “Search & subscribe

  1. Science + food = Awesome! I love finding great new food blogs like yours 🙂

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